It just could not stop raining in June. We’re not talking the standard ½-inch flush that cleans city streets while households sleep, leaving the air smelling fresh in the morning. No, we’re boasting serious downpours that dump upwards of five inches of rain in twenty-four hour cycles and repeatedly interrupt our planned work days, while also putting officials and drivers on the alert for early morning street closings.
Archives for July 2011
Construction Discoveries and Challenges during June
Filed Under: Construction Updates, E-Newsletter, Stormwater Management Tagged With: Chaden Halfhill, Green & Main Pilot Project, stormwater management
Iowans and Cohousing: A Look into the Growing U.S. Interest in Cohousing and How Iowans are Responding

“Traditional forms of housing no longer address the needs of many people. Dramatic demographic and economic changes are taking place in our society and most of us feel the effects of these trends in our own lives. Things that people once took for granted – family, community, a sense of belonging – must now be actively sought out. Many people are mis-housed, ill-housed or unhoused because of the lack of appropriate options.”
Filed Under: Community, E-Newsletter, Thought Leadership Tagged With: Ann Wilde, Charles Durrett, cohousing